Monday, July 17, 2017

Waiting to see photos and puffing up more

Saturday morning was an early one as promised.  I was out the door just before 8:30am to get to the park on time.  It was already starting to get warmer out there, so I'm glad it was early in the day.

I knew my feet were swollen, but I clearly didn't realize how much.  The boots I took with for one of the outfits would NOT go on - no way, no how.  At least the slip ons I had with me matched.  Later in the afternoon I went to put those same slip ons back on my feet to run for the mail and they wouldn't go the whole way on.  My feet are definitely more swollen than they were the first time they puffed up.  Still sticking to the feet/ankle and slightly up into my calves (as of last night) - nothing in my hands or face, so I'm not worried, just a bit uncomfortable.  A soak in the tub before bed last evening definitely helped a bit.

The park was quite nice.  The photographer was eager to get the shots we wanted.  I just hope I don't look goofy in stuff, we'll see.  We did a few along a walking bridge, and by a covered bridge, and by a more open field.  I'm sure we'll get a few good ones - even if there are some bad ones of me in there.