Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Heading in the right direction

I had another doctor appointment today.  One more spread two-weeks out and then it is every week... so we booked them up through August 23, which just highlights how imminent everything is!

The appointment was the fastest one yet.  I was out of there less than 15 minutes after my scheduled time and I only arrived a few minutes early.  The heartrate was super strong at 165, which was nice after she was slower last visit - but it definitely confirms last time she was sleeping and this time since she was moving about as we waited for the doctor it all makes sense.

I also received confirmation that she is head down and the hard bump I've been noting above my belly button or off to the right is her butt, which is good since I've been patting it on the regular.

Photos came back and I'm pleased with them.  In many I do look larger than I realized I am, but I guess I have  apretty good excuse.