Wednesday, April 23, 2014

So today the doctor is back in town and looked at the information I already reported here as clearly not good.  He had the nurse call me back to note that the value was bad (duh) but what shocked me was the follow up comment which had nothing to do with what our options were but rather a punt to the folks in the nearest big city (2 1/2 hours away).  Here you can write these numbers down.

From a cursory glance these places are fertility clinics that make mention of IVF solutions on their websites.  Not only is that horribly invasive and complex, but it is hella expensive and would have quite a few trips to a place that would be 5 hours round trip each time.  How on earth is that going to help me?

I guess I shouldn't have expected more from a place that didn't even want to see me after I had a miscarriage, but I guess I had a false sense of hope after my talk appointment where he agreed to try trigger shots etc.  I don't know what to think or what to do next.

Monday, April 21, 2014

A 0.3 on a reference range of 0.9-9.0 on the AMH level.  Not good.  Of course, now the doctor is out until Wednesday, so I'm lucky to have at least convinced the nurse to give me the number value.  No matter how you cut it, as I said:  not good.

Friday, April 11, 2014

A major shift has occurred since my previous post.
First:  I have purchased a clearblue fertilization monitor and sticks.  It arrived a bit too late to start using it this month, but next month I'll be using that.  I've been using my old pee sticks this month and here I am still getting negatives and wondering if I'll see a positive at all.

Second:  I put on the big girl panties and visited with a male gynecologist that one of the midwives recommended I speak with.  Since she had also dismissed the idea of using a trigger shot due to other risks I felt all was lost, but I was pleasantly surprised that he agreed we needed to move in that direction since my periods when I was last off of birth control were rather erratic.

This means I may need to find a way to come to terms with having a male gyno.  I'm still not sure how I feel about that.  He also sent me for another blood draw for an anti-mullerian hormone assessment, which will give us some insight as to my ovarian reserve.  The results of this test could shoot things out of consideration.  So now, we wait and track for a little while.