Sunday, October 24, 2010

Off the pill

Ok.  I'm not starting a new pack tonight.  At least then I can start to see how my cycles play out on their own.  Right?

Friday, October 22, 2010

Other choices and potential for bad combinations

With my work situation being less than fantastic lately I've decided to step up finishing some open activities around my house so it can go on the market if need be.  I admit, I've actively been looking at houses and jobs near my sister.

Clearly, making a move to another state and another job in the same timeframe when I'm considering getting pregnant complicates things.  I could feasibly meet someone after I get moved.  It would be nice to have someone else to help with a baby if there was to be one.

I'm trying to figure out if I want to take another month of birth control pills or stop now so I can start tracking my periods.  I guess I need to decide soon as my next pack starts on Sunday.  What to do what to do.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Strange places...

So I was clicking around on craigslist's dating listings simply because, yes I am that desperate.  Color my shocked to see a listing for someone offering to "knock you up".  While this isn't the route I have any desire of going, it put the thoughts of finding someone I know back into my thought process.  While the monetary cost of getting IUI is a factor, especially if it takes a while to get pregnant.

While it would be easier to have a free source and method of insemination I know how much more complicated that would be.  I wish I could just foresee Mr. Right appearing in the very near term.

Factor in my other thoughts of trying to ready the house to be put on the market, just in case, and in semi-preparation, as I do not intend to stay here forever.  When is the right time to go?  Will I find someone special when I am somewhere else?  Would I have issues starting the process and then going to another job?  Where would I get better medical care before and during the process and pregnancy?

Thursday, October 7, 2010

The first doctor appointment ... is scheduled

Yesterday I called to talk to a potential doctor here in the area.  My previous gynecologist is moving away from the area, so my information was shipped to this other office.  Fortunately, after a few questions I am reassured that the office does IUI and the doctor is comfortable working with single women and donor specimens.  Unfortunately, they seem to be rather busy.  Getting in for a "talking appointment" just to get to know the doctor, express my desires, and get some basic information was not an option until January!  I'm schedule at least and I know that I can continue taking my pills if I so choose, or I can halt them and start to track my cycles.  How I wish our bodies were beautifully regular and predictable without the pills.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Opening my mouth to a friend

While away on vacation with a very close friend I admitted what I was thinking/intending.  I was pleasantly surprised with her reaction.  Other than utter surprise she didn't make me feel one way or the other.  She offered some insightful thoughts and made my first "coming out" to a friend very easy and reassuring.

This time was a good opportunity for me to think a bit and to get away from all of it.  I think the next big step I need to take is calling the potential new gyno to see how they perceive this type of thing.  I do not want to be yolked to a doctor who doesn't support my choice, as I know I then wouldn't receive the care I deserve.