Sunday, October 17, 2010

Strange places...

So I was clicking around on craigslist's dating listings simply because, yes I am that desperate.  Color my shocked to see a listing for someone offering to "knock you up".  While this isn't the route I have any desire of going, it put the thoughts of finding someone I know back into my thought process.  While the monetary cost of getting IUI is a factor, especially if it takes a while to get pregnant.

While it would be easier to have a free source and method of insemination I know how much more complicated that would be.  I wish I could just foresee Mr. Right appearing in the very near term.

Factor in my other thoughts of trying to ready the house to be put on the market, just in case, and in semi-preparation, as I do not intend to stay here forever.  When is the right time to go?  Will I find someone special when I am somewhere else?  Would I have issues starting the process and then going to another job?  Where would I get better medical care before and during the process and pregnancy?