Sunday, January 30, 2022

On a roll

Avery went bowling for the first time today!  No bumpers for us, but we did make use of the little ramp to help her out.  She loved it and did pretty well.  50 and 85.  More remarkable, not trying to steal the show, but I had a 112 and a 174.  That's pretty good for me - especially after 5 years plus of not bowling and a frozen shoulder last year.

We also went to DQ after and Avery had her first ever blizzard!  She is getting to the age where she can do so much more and actually enjoy it.  I need to start planning some day trips for the summer.

I scored a used student flute from someone formerly in the comunity.  Now I need to refresh my skills enough to start teaching kiddo.

I needed this quality time with her. Last week Mommy had a very jealous moment with her.  Daddy was sick and stayed away for a while, so I get why she was all about him.  It was shutting the door in my face twice that pushed me over the edge.  I at least found a way to explain how I felt to her and we had a talk.  I really want to be able to talk to her about things in general and I hope it helps her understand how normal her feelings are as she gets older.

We also had a talk tonight about our conscious.  I was pretty impressed, during the convo I asked if she remembered what they talked about at church yesterday and she nailed it - love.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Snow Fun

We had enough snow on Sunday into Monday, so part of Monday (school was closed due to weather) was spent out back with the sled.  Avery had as much of a blast throwing snow at me and the dog as she did climbing back up the small hill and riding the sled back down.  Her snow clothes work a bit too well so I had to lure her inside with the promise of hot cocoa.

Things were clear enough by the end of the day to get to dance class.  She seems to be enjoying it overall, but does have moments here and there where she shuts down and doesn't want to proceed in class.  This prompted a quick chat with her dance teacher who indicated she is very confident that Avery can do it and that she is considering putting her in the front row for the recital.