Saturday, January 21, 2012

Fighting the Pills

All month my body has been fighting the pills. Some light spotting (less than what was occurring without) and the feelings of would-be starter cramps. I've experienced more down feelings than I was use to recently. Related? Maybe starting them again was a mistake. I don't know. I don't have immediate plans to try again, so I suppose staying on for a little while longer can't be that bad of a thing.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Quite Quiet

I've put myself on a wait for a few reasons. One, my desire to vacation with my niece in June, starting to see someone, and some issues with my body in general.

Needless to say being overly prego would nix a vacation. I did start seeing someone and I've told him that I was trying with donor sperm, but I do think it would be odd to be actively trying while with someone else, perhaps a mistake.

Finally, the issues with my body... which just had me start taking birth control pills again last night. As of tomorrow it will be two weeks straight that I've had bleeding of some type. I'm tired of bleeding, bleeding, bleeding. I cramped up on Saturday too, telling me that I was fixing for more blood. Now, combine this goofiness with starting to see someone and you can imagine my concern - what if I am not (only) ovulating when I think I am? There could easily be a big issue, which I'd rather avoid. For now I am just hoping that the pills will get me back to some level of normal - and not feeling like I am constantly bleeding or oozing (ovulation = thicker discharges).

I'll be back, at some point. But for now I am taking a break, and despite a bit of panic that I am half way to 37 and the audible ticking, now isn't the right time.