Friday, June 30, 2023

She's crooked I tell you.

Her back that is.  I was washing Avery's back; she was leaning forward with her head bent down.  I could see the bones in her back and straight they were not.  I freaked out inside, I'm not going to lie.

Fortunately, our chiropractor got us in, even though neither of us have been there in prb 2 years.  No need for xrays etc, but they did adjust her.  She's was a wee bit sore last night and this morning.  We do go back again next week to make sure she's staying in place.  She did say she felt better ... and here I was not knowing that her back even bothered her!

Friday, June 9, 2023

Super duper officially a kindergartener

Today Avery had her graduation ceremony from Pre-K2.  She has the certificate, cap, gown, photos, balloons, and flowers to show for it.  Aunt Jackie is in visiting, which was perfect timing to be here for the big event.  Aunt Susanne and cousin Katie also came in for a few days, and Nonna and Nonno made the drive to participate.

All of the kids did a great job singing.  They also had a blast running around at the reception that followed.  Avery got photos with most of her friends.

So there you have it, she's ready to start kindergarten - and if you ask her she's ready to go tomorrow.  Slow down kid.