Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Visiting with a friend

So, I visited with a good friend who's baby is now two months old! First time I got to meet the baby, unfortunately. I really expected her to tell me things that would scare me off:
- how hard it is and tiring to have a baby
- how awful labor/birth was
etc, etc

Instead she noted that the birth itself wasn't bad, but she wasn't prepared for the labor pains and that it's hard work, but not THAT bad. The baby slept through dinner, and was perfectly peaceful, so that was comforting too.

I still need to just think that I'll try as planned this fourth time, and then I should qualify for a free specimen for the fifth try and then reassess from there. Heaven knows the financial Gods have helped line things up in the past two months to make sure that isn't a factor at this time, so let's go.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Vacation is over

I've looked at the past month and a half as vacation. Granted, there was a genuine vacation in there too, which is why I couldn't try at the beginning of August. For that matter, the lack of guaranteed work at the end of August had me worried until I returned from vacation. The good news is I am covered and confident again.

At present I have my period. It is, once again fraught with major cramps and had an odd start, which seems to be becoming my norm. The good news is it started a few days later than expected, which means for the first time in forever my ovulation should be expected during the week of September 5th, not the weekend!

On other news, my first donor, 2976, has become available in IUI once again. I guess this means I have to make a decision in the next week and a half as to which to use this round. 2976 was the preferred donor, but his sample was less than productive, and 4102 the second choice, which looks like he's starting to run low.