Saturday, January 25, 2020

Trying to keep up

Around 4pm on Wednesday we got the text requesting that we all pick up our kids ASAP - daycare had a sewage issue going on.  I guess whatever the backup or blockage was effected the downstairs area - it was (smell) notable when I walked in.  As such they were closed on Thursday and Friday.  It was just kiddo and I and trying to keep her worn out across a long weekend has been a challenge so far.  Working when she napped also helped to completely exhaust me at this point.

I've been trying to test Avery out with a few things to see how she'd do on vacation with just a shower and sharing a bedroom with us.  That means I've used the shower sprayer when bathing her, much to her dismay.  I've gotten her to enjoy it enough that she laughs and says it tickles, but she's not a fan when it comes time to rinsing her hair.  Regardless, that we will survive.  As to bedtime, that's another story - man she can fight to stay up all night and even once she falls asleep she's kicking, turning, and climbing out of the blankets.  Last night was not a good night's sleep as a result, but it was doable.

Final "first" to report was not being fast enough to prevent her from tossing herself off of the bed this evening.  She's okay, but she scared herself as she tumbled down landing on the dog bed.  I've been warning her, but I guess there are some things you don't fully get until you experience them first hand. I'm just glad she didn't get hurt.

Monday, January 20, 2020

That's weird right?

The kid loves salad.  That's weird, right?  She started asking for some of ours and ate it when provided.  Now she asks for more "more salad, more salad".  I mean, have at it - but it feels like something a kid should not want.  No, I know what you're thinking - it isn't ranch dressing it's Caesar or Italian.  Then again, to date, she hasn't been much for ketchup either.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

On a streak...

Avery has been managing to pee on the potty once a day since her breakthrough.  We've also had a big poop on the potty right at bedtime the past few nights.  I'm pleased with her efforts!

I also wanted to make some notes on the books that Avery has been adoring.  She definitely gets on kicks with books.  A while back she was obsessed with Pat the Bunny.  As of late her obsession is Dog's Colorful Day.  We often see I'm a Little Teapot too (not my favorite).

As to her Christmas gifts it seems that the art easel is well loved, but I think the biggest success was the ice cream stand.  She plays with it most every night and I can see how her play with it will evolve as she learns and gets older.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

I went pee-pee in the potty!

She did it!  Avery went pee-pee on the potty at school today!  I've been waiting for this breakthrough.  I think it's going to help us greatly moving forward.