Wednesday, August 25, 2021

4 years!

She's 4 years old!  The celebration is being spread out a bit.  I left work a little early on Monday and we went to the town pool.  Tuesday I delivered Spiderman themed cupcakes to school for her to share with her friends, she had her beloved chicken nuggies (actually strips) at the farmer's market, we had cake and presents to open at home.

From family she received books and learning resources, a tall doll, a superman die cast car, cash money, and that big girl bed that her grandparents brought a few weeks back.  Her Daddy gave her a solid silver dino head and we had a remote control Batman car, Frozen light up blue sneakers for the new school year, and a tall car track with multiple cars.

Today she went to the doctor so I can report the official height as 3'5 2/16" and weight as 38.5 lbs.  She was not ready for her birthday to be over yesterday!

I love you (not so) little girl.  Happy birthday!

Monday, August 23, 2021

Starting the Celebrations

Avery had her first birthday hurrah this weekend with her Aunt Mandy and Uncle Frank.  Lots of fun books and learning material gifted, Sarris ice cream, and quality time!

Her 4th birthday photos came and are pretty darn cute.  Only one w/o the superhero mask, but I keep reminding myself we will have school photos - hopefully those will turn our well as they have in past years.

Final swimming lesson went well.  She didn't want to jump in still, but she did an amazing job doggie paddling solo with a pool noodle and kicking back and forth.  She was also killing it grabbing toys from the bottom of the 2 1/2 foot area.  Solid progress in the past 5 weeks and I am excited for her.  Her confidence manifests in the bathtub when she wants to put her face under there too!

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Closet Prep

I took time yesterday to start prepping Avery's cold-weather clothes.  I went through the drawers that held those she wore last year, pulling even more that now appears too small.  I went through the closet and pulled out the items I thought would fit this year.  We had a try-on session too, which involved her dancing around on her bed in front of the mirror with each item on.

Since I shop ahead this is my version of 'back to school' shopping.  At least now I have a survey of the clothing and can start to plan for what she might wear on school photo day.

Saturday we went for her superhero photo shoot for her birthday.  I am eager to see the pictures, but nothing just yet.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

Purging Baby Toys

In order to prepare the living room for the recliner that was in Avery's room I had to get all of the toys off of the papasan chair which was serving as a toy box.  I took this opportunity to go through everything and a load of baby/toddler things that she is completely grown past are ready to go out the door.  Some things will go to consignment, but I suspect many will get donated.

Since she now has a big girl bed we can cuddle and read there instead.

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

What a web we weave

I dropped off things at the consignment store and commented about monitoring their posts for a spiderman costume.  Low and behold, one appeared the next day in the right size!  Halloween costume is checked off of the list.

Still trying to figure out bedding.  She keeps telling me she could do spiderman, but I am not feeling it.  Maybe sheets or an extra blanket, but not a comforter.  She is doing well in her big girl bed, with the support of pool noodles on the side.

She had a dentist appointment this morning.  The kid is so brave!

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Year of the Spider

2020 was the year of the dinosaur - as in Avery's birthday cake theme and Halloween costume.  This year is  the year of the Spider(man).  I kept joking that since the cat is kind of an early birthday present we should go with that theme and have a litter box cake and cat poop cookies for her friends at school.  I mostly kept saying it because of her exuberant reaction against it with "noooo, that's gross!"

We went yesterday to order the themed cake for at home and cupcakes for school.  Now to find the right costume.

I also need to order her bedding.  Her Nonna and Nonno are moving and gifted her the bed from their spare room - her first big girl bed!  They delivered it to us yesterday, so I spent some time taking apart her crib, removing it from her room, and vacuuming up in there.  We also snagged pool noodles as runners down the sides in the morning before swimming lessons.  Also on our procurement list was goggles and a swim cap, which helped her tremendously putting her face in.