Monday, June 29, 2020

Pop goes the weasel

Sunday morning Avery was up at 6:20am.  Normally I wouldn't be aware of this.  But on this particular Sunday she was able to stroll right into my bedroom.  I felt a bump on the side of the bed and in my sleepy stupor I assumed it was Saffy, whom I told to "go lay back down".  Then Saffy started to climb up on the bed, but not in a leap.  When I opened my eyes - there she was.

Last night she was back up twice after being put down for the night, tonight just once. It's hard to be consistent when I want to hold her hand as much as she wants me to.

Saturday, June 27, 2020

On the go, gotta go.

Avery had a really good week at daycare.  One day she pooped on the potty twice, one of those times she told them she needed to go!  There were successful potty trips the rest of the week as well.

Today we went out to do a little shopping and Avery said "I have to potty".  Oh no.  I didn't want to not listen, so we went to the public restroom.  Wow that's a nightmare, especially in the smaller stall.  But she did it - she peed in a public bathroom.  Thank goodness she changed her mind about needing to poo, because I don't know how I would have balanced her and managed to get paper to wipe her successfully.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Big Girl Bed

Last night Avery got to sleep in her very own big girl bed!  Well, kind of.  We put the toddler rail on the one side of her crib.  She was pretty excited.  This morning I heard her say "Mommy", I immediately got up to use the bathroom and she was walking in my door before I got the whole way to the toilet.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Berry sweet

Saturday Avery and I went strawberry picking at Simmon's Farm.  We had a good time and came home with some delicious berries that I spent a good chunk of the rest of the weekend applying to a strawberry ice box pie, chocolate strawberry muffins, strawberry lemondade, and strawberry margaritas.  There are a few left - which will go quickly as tasty as they are.

She's getting so big.  She did a great job picking and listened well.  She can even get in and out of the wagon for the hay ride to and from the fields with minimal assistance.  My baby is getting so big.