Sunday, July 29, 2018

Major Tumble

Friday night we had our first major tumble.  It was about 45 minutes before bedtime, she was cruising about and stepped to move between her octopus ball toy and the coffee table.  Well, the coffee table was a bit further away than she had estimated.  I watched it from part way across the living room as she went forward, smashing her nose and lower face into the side of the coffee table.

Her nose was bleeding and talk about inconsolable crying.  I am not going to lie, I was terrified.  I held her and we dabbed the bit of blood.  Debating if we needed to go to the ER, her Dad searching the internet, and I clung to her, trying to get her calmed.  About 15 minutes later as she calmed down she started to seem drowsy, but it was close to her bedtime - tell me that doesn't compound your worries, even if you know she didn't hit the upper part of her face/head.

We got her totally calmed and down to bed with just a bit of tylenol for pain, but then woke her lightly 2 hours later to make sure she still seemed herself.  I didn't get a lot of sleep last night - no surprise, right?  She woke and cried out a few times requiring consolation and holding which is SUPER abnormal for her. I suspect she rolled and bumped a tender part.

Once I felt better that there wasn't a big concern of major issues and my mind calmed a little all I could think was "her beautiful face... please Lord, protect that beautiful face".  I fully expected to find two black eyes this morning.  Thank God she looks wonderful today, maybe a slight bit of swelling across her nose and that's it.  When she woke from her nap today she had a little more snotty blood coming out.  That and a small mark on her lip that looks more like she scratched herself and that's it.  We are so lucky.

This just was a bad week for sure with her going down ill and her fall. In between I went down a bit ill, probably with whatever she had, but fortunately it wasn't coming out as vomit.  Friday evening was quite a challenge to keep up with her as she was feeling well again, but I certainly was not - and very weak.  Thank goodness I went to bed immediately after she did on Friday night and I got 10 1/2 hours of sleep to help keep me covered for my lack of sleep the night before and then after she fell.

Another new food to report as well - rhubarb!

Friday, July 27, 2018

Our first bout of vomit

Yes, that title is abrupt, but it paints the picture of what we experienced on Wednesday afternoon/night.  Avery came home slightly early from daycare after vomiting twice.  Normally when this has happened I believed it to be a case of overfeeding or just spit up.  Not this time.  The vomiting continued at home and she wasn't able to keep anything down for the rest of the night.

I think the two worst parts were seeing how upset it made her when she got sick and putting her to bed, worried that I wouldn't hear her get ill in the middle of the night (somehow) and that she could choke.

Fortunately, she went down easily and stayed down, despite not having had much to eat since before 2:30 that day (since the 2:30 bottle came back out).  She woke up the next morning with a reduced appetite, but able to eat and keep food in there.  I'm so glad that it didn't even last 24 hours, that was stressful.  I'm even more grateful that it took 11 months for us to ever experience this.  Let's hope that this remains a very infrequent visitor.

I will say this, the saddest little face in the world is the one that crawls over, lying down in front of you on the floor with its head on your leg.  Poor kiddo.

As to new foods, we are about out.  But I did give her some alphabet pasta cooked in chicken broth so she could eat on her own. Of course, this happened the day before she got ill, and she had leftover ones at school that day, so my mind even combed over that with worry.

Saturday, July 21, 2018

It's kind of a big dill

Our weekend together started early so I could enjoy my birthday with Avery.  Friday we met up with her Nonna at the Phipps Conservatory.  It was quite the nice day out and Avery enjoyed seeing the butterflies, flowers, plants, and kinetic items.

Today, started with Little Gym, which Avery seems to enjoy for the most part, at least when she's had a bit of a nap before.  Then we drove back into the city for Picklesburgh!  It was a bit warmer out today and super crowded. Avery hung in there pretty well though.

Since my last report Avery has tried another grains blend, black currant, and tomatoes.  I had put off the tomatoes, thinking that some of these acidy foods were partly to blame for the diaper rash issues we were having, but I'm firmly thinking it is a teeth situation.  We've been managing to keep the rash at bay, but it does require some care.  I could swear I spotted teeth slightly pressed through on Friday while we were out, but today I see nothing obvious.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Back to Sunshine and Rainbows

Fortunately, we're back to a healthy looking bottom again, so I'm able continue shopping for those rainbows to decorate for Avery's birthday party.  Today we made it up to Build a Bear (perhaps you saw the mayhem that ensued this past week when they had a pay your age promotion) to use the coupon we got.  So for $10 Avery has her first unicorn - it will serve to help decorate for her birthday as well.  Unfortunately, despite the website saying they had both unicorns in stock they neglected to clarify that the ones they had were already stuffed.  So she didn't get to pick out a little heart for him or assist in the stuffing, hence there are no photos of the event.  This makes me a little sad, but it's okay, I know we'll have other trips there in our future, right?

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Hurting from top to bottom

Poor kiddo.  This past Friday Avery work up a bit snotty and stuffy.  It wasn't enough to make me think she was actually sick, so we went about our weekend plans to go to a family reunion, where she got to see quite a few Aunts and cousins that she's only met one other time so far.

Come Monday, by the time she left daycare her rear was quite red and unhappy.  Ahhh diaper rash.  The drool has picked up a bit, so maybe it is teething, who knows.

I bought a kiddie pool to entertain her last night while we sat out back bare bummed trying to get some air to help us out.  I also picked up corn starch.

Our favorite daycare worker noted the pattern that she had a little flare up after having the grapes/plum mixture before too, so we'll put that on the backburner for a while.  Similarly in my research I also saw cause to put off pineapple, tomato, citrus, and strawberries in addition to grapes and plums.  This means that two items that were coming up soon for new tastes will be delayed.

New foods since my last report:  navy beans, beef (which she hated in the soupy like stuff but was okay with from my burger!), asparagus, and figs.

I also want to note that I started in earnest to gather supplies for Avery's first birthday.  It's only a little over a month away after all.  I am hoping the little skirt and headband I ordered arrive quickly, so if they're too big I can find something else.  Our theme is unicorns and rainbows, so I'm having fun finding the goodies to decorate and to put a little spin on our food presentation.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Hitting the Pool

I'm so glad I had won some free passes to the Goldfish Swim School's open family swims.  It is incredibly hot here, so to try and cool off a bit we took Avery to the pool for an hour yesterday.  She kept a stern face for a brief period, but lightened up and had some fun.  It was nice to get to play with her and hold her close while we spun and bounced and splashed.  She did some kicking and we practiced a few dips into the water.

We also had an epic fail on the second baby gate I bought for the top of the stairs.  The first one we decided not to use after finding so much saying to use hardware gates for the top of the stairs.  It makes sense, but eesh, I don't want those holes.  I've conceded though - for her.  So the second was a hardware gate that was a bit taller.  It came highly recommended by friends and I thought it would be nice to have an easier reach to open/close the gate as we come and go.  Yeah, it's too tall.  So now I have to ship it back - fortunately, they do free returns, hopefully there isn't a restocking fee that I missed reading about.  I've now ordered another gate - hopefully it will arrive soon as I've been stressing for a couple of weeks now about not having a gate up at the top of the stairs.