Sunday, July 15, 2018

Back to Sunshine and Rainbows

Fortunately, we're back to a healthy looking bottom again, so I'm able continue shopping for those rainbows to decorate for Avery's birthday party.  Today we made it up to Build a Bear (perhaps you saw the mayhem that ensued this past week when they had a pay your age promotion) to use the coupon we got.  So for $10 Avery has her first unicorn - it will serve to help decorate for her birthday as well.  Unfortunately, despite the website saying they had both unicorns in stock they neglected to clarify that the ones they had were already stuffed.  So she didn't get to pick out a little heart for him or assist in the stuffing, hence there are no photos of the event.  This makes me a little sad, but it's okay, I know we'll have other trips there in our future, right?