Friday, July 27, 2018

Our first bout of vomit

Yes, that title is abrupt, but it paints the picture of what we experienced on Wednesday afternoon/night.  Avery came home slightly early from daycare after vomiting twice.  Normally when this has happened I believed it to be a case of overfeeding or just spit up.  Not this time.  The vomiting continued at home and she wasn't able to keep anything down for the rest of the night.

I think the two worst parts were seeing how upset it made her when she got sick and putting her to bed, worried that I wouldn't hear her get ill in the middle of the night (somehow) and that she could choke.

Fortunately, she went down easily and stayed down, despite not having had much to eat since before 2:30 that day (since the 2:30 bottle came back out).  She woke up the next morning with a reduced appetite, but able to eat and keep food in there.  I'm so glad that it didn't even last 24 hours, that was stressful.  I'm even more grateful that it took 11 months for us to ever experience this.  Let's hope that this remains a very infrequent visitor.

I will say this, the saddest little face in the world is the one that crawls over, lying down in front of you on the floor with its head on your leg.  Poor kiddo.

As to new foods, we are about out.  But I did give her some alphabet pasta cooked in chicken broth so she could eat on her own. Of course, this happened the day before she got ill, and she had leftover ones at school that day, so my mind even combed over that with worry.