Monday, February 27, 2017

Tap tap tap - I have an announcement to make

This past weekend has been about telling a few folks that needed to hear it 'first' rather than on a public announcement.  It's hard to believe that the first trimester is over and it's safe to do this.  I also feel like I need to find a neat way to release it to the masses.  The reactions really run the gambit from a person hopping around and squealing to silent shock and awe.  The people you expect to be pretty excited are not and those you think won't have much to say often surprise you with their reaction.

I still haven't really gained weight if we ignore the fact that I put some on during the cruise where everything happened.  I guess that makes me review the facts a little too - and wish there was more frequent check ins on heartbeats.

My chest and back remain incredibly dry and itchy.  The rash I had has gone away, thank goodness.  Of course, the rash and dry/itchy back is just as likely from the sun/sunscreen while away so the only puzzling issue is the dry chest because it did not get sunburned.

Monday, February 20, 2017

More firsts

I had my first ob/gyn appointment here in my new location before heading out on vacation.  She was surprised to hear the heartbeat quickly on her lesser in office equipment, which clocked in at 162.  The blood draw was a nightmare that resulted in my hand getting stuck.  During the internal she noted the presence of a polyp, which is likely why I have been bleeding so easily.  The tests that came back told me I had my first ever UTI, which is crazy to me, since I've never hard one and I'm completely asymptomatic.  I'm assured however that isn't all that abnormal when pregnancies occur.  Also the one clumped up, but no biggie as it's better than it being too low.

I'm still closing the jeans I was in but I cannot suck in my gut as well as I once could. I'm still feeling pretty good with some minor bouts of tired (maybe that could be from the UTI even).  Thank goodness I have lots of time to get things unpacked and space created for the new addition.  As I am hitting week 12 today I am feeling a lot more confident we'll get to announce to the world.