Friday, July 21, 2017

A few more boxes checked

The mattress (and a bunch of other items) are ordered from the Amazon completion discount and on the way.  It will be nice to get the crib made up and ready to go!

I also purchased a few things to prep some meals to put in the freezer this weekend.  Fingers crossed that the freezer in the basement is still up for the task.

I think the next time Daddy is here I'll have him put the car seat in my car so I can go get it checked.  Everything I read sounds like every seat protector does damage and/or is a problem to use with the car seat.

Mentally I don't think I'll go early, but I did just read an article on early signs of labor which has me thinking.  So I guess it's good if I get a little nesting in over the next week.

1).  Baby drops:  head down at least... perhaps not 'dropped' but it's possible.
2).  Cervix dilates:  haven't been checked - dunno.
3).  More cramps and back pain:  I've had some cramps in the front low and pains in my back sleeping - which compared to earlier one when I felt none.
4).  Joints feel looser:  I can't check this one, but I am needing to move a bit slower after I roll out of bed.
5).  Diarrhea:  It's definitely been looser, but not diarrhea.
6).  Stop gaining weight:  Well, it's been a few weeks since I've had a major leap.  I guess I attributed that to the swelling and water gain that then passed, but I'm swelling again and still not up more than a half a pound.
7).  Extra tired:  Check, but this is probably because I'm not sleeping as well in the first place.
8).  Discharge changes:  Nope, not this one.
9).  Stronger/More frequent contractions:  I haven't had any braxton hicks to my awareness, so... saying no here doesn't really sway me either way.
10).  Water breaks:  Definitely not yet... who needs this on a list to tell them it's coming soon?