Friday, July 14, 2017

Like a balloon - let's capture that on film!

I'm swelling back up, well at least my feet and ankles are.  It's so unpleasant.  Getting down on the floor and back up for some of my cleaning tasks is already difficult, but when you place a foot sideways and FEEL the swelling ugh.

I looked around a little for a massage place - but I am starting to think I won't be getting massages out here.  It looks like pricing is about double what I paid back in Jingletown - especially for maternity massage - and at least in Jtown I knew I was going to get a good massage.

Tomorrow morning we're scheduled to meet the photographer at Mingo Creek Park for my maternity shoot.  I had one dress purchased for the event and pulled but of course he has nothing that matches.  So I've had to slap together another outfit for some pics with him.  I'm hoping that non-maternity dress/top looks decent in the photos. *sigh*  Still lots to gather up to take with us to that tomorrow.  I'll be up all too early to get myself looking respectable for said event (hair/makeup)... then back for more cleaning before a game night here at my place.  I'm an idiot, why did I allow that on the schedule?