Monday, August 21, 2017

TMI Warning: Looking for signs

TMI warning:  I expected to spot after being checked last Wednesday.  There was a little but not as much as I thought.  It has however continued being a pink tinge on any mucus that is wiped.  Is that still from the cervix check or is it part of a natural progression?  I had a small, I don't want to call it a clot but it seemed more like a clot - but not what I'd expect for a 'bloody show' based on reading/descriptions.

Thicker glops of discharge continue (periodically) but that's been happening for weeks, not sure it's pieces of mucus plug. I have felt pressure and even at times like I need to poo but I am not prepared to do so.  I guess it doesn't matter since none of this means anything is imminent since everyone is different.

I guess I'm officially looking forward to Wednesday's appointment to see if we've progressed at all.

Girl has also taken to not just pushing her butt out above and to the right of my belly button but also pushing out a leg or something to the left of my belly button.  She's definitely feeling cramped in there.