Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Holding on the launch sequence

My blood pressure remains good and our little one's heart rate remains in the 150s.  Today I had my first exam to find we're at 1cm, 50% effaced, and -2 station.  So really, no progress at this point.  I really need to get out and walk - but with the pressure I've been feeling I can imagine that would feel rather horrendous to get too far from the house w/o something to lean on.  Is it wrong to think that maybe walking w/ a shopping cart is a good idea... even if I don't need to be shopping?

I had a miserable night of sleep too, in part thanks to ice cream we went for around 8.  I kept tasting it through the night if my head lulled too far to the side or I was trying to sleep on either side.  Bleh.  Still not screaming and crying to be done, but I am ready to see some action if for no other reason than to avoid feeling the pressure of being late.