Thursday, August 10, 2017

Baby's on fire!

Two nights ago I got the 0-6 month pacifiers sterilized and ready to go.  I know some say to not introduce the paci until you've got breastfeeding established, but I wanted to have them ready in case they are what I need to soothe... plus there is those that say using a paci helps prevent SIDS.  I was not ready to tackle all of the bottles however as more reading materials say to wait a while on those.  One thing at a time I guess.

Yesterday I had a weekly appointment.  My doula was to attend.  I hate to admit it, but I anticipated it would not happen.  Still when I got the text she wasn't coming it put me in tears.  I had to tell her we need to sever the contract, and I talked to one of the leads for their group.  She is going to see what other doula options I have, but I still don't think there is much time to build that relationship.  I'm so torn.  For the past few months I didn't think this was going to be something we were going to do alone, but I sure don't want it with a stranger either.

Last week's doctor's appointment had a slight dip down in heart rate to the 140s, but we were back in the 150s yesterday.  My group b strep results also came back negative, so yay!  No need for antibiotics in labor, which means I might be able to get them to just do a hep-lock instead of needing to drag the IV around while I labor.

Baby also had her first concert this evening!  I couldn't resist the desire to go see Die Antwoord (hence this post title).  A friend from out of town decided to join me and we headed in on the T (how incredibly convenient).  It was nice to realize there are general admission seats upstairs, which is where I ended up staying the whole time, so I still feel a-okay today, despite a little swelling my ankles had from sitting there for hours.

By the way how are we down to 19 days and counting until my due date?