Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Leading up to the big show

Spoiler alert:  I am back dating this post to the date and time all of this started to happen.  You can probably guess how it ended.

Around 2am the pain began.  I couldn't get comfortable on either side as the cramps started.  I kind of knew it my heart it was the start of labor - like I said in a previous post, I was looking for signs - but I had no clue how much so.  While I couldn't sleep I sent a few messages on to my guy that made it sound like I felt something was definitely going on.

By 4am I turned to my back and managed to get comfortable and fell asleep.  I was up with my alarm and at my work desk.  All morning I could feel things going on but I was waiting it out to get confirmation at my noon doctor's appointment.  My guy went into work briefly and then came this way to join me at the doctor's appointment (at his suggestion).  I kind of thought I'd get to the doctor and she'd say congrats you're now 2cm.  Imagine my surprise to learn I was at 4cm!  She asked if I wanted to head to L&D as she was willing to send me and she thought for sure we'd see her on that day.  This was definitely happening!  We opted to go home and labor there as long as possible - and to get the girls to camp.

We were to have a meeting at my place w/ the doula this evening, so I guess she was coming either way.  Later in the afternoon things were getting rather unpleasant and by the time she arrived I was already waffling if we should just meet her at the hospital or what.  I'm not sure how long the doula was here, but for a little while before we headed out - and the rest of the times get muddled in my head - but we got to the hospital just as the sun was setting (which I googled was at 8:09).

Upon arrival I was 7cm.  I gotta admit there are lots of bits and pieces missing.  I remember getting out of the car and into the wheelchair and the ride to triage.  I don't recall getting my clothes off in triage or moving to the room just down the hall where I labored.  There are plenty of pieces of the labor - mostly waves of pain that I do recall.  I think I spent most of it - or at least until Dr P got there with my eyes closed just trying to get through.

I remember the nurse coming in to check me again so the doctor could decide if she needed to get in there.  I do remember my guy commenting that it was 11pm. Not sure when Doc arrived.  But I know we didn't start pushing until what is technically 8/24.