Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Local Le Leche League and Pediatrician

Last night I made my way to a local Le Leche meeting.  Fortunately one of the local groups has evening meetings.  Many tend to meet during the day mid-week, go figure.  There were three other ladies there last evening, so it was comfortable and not too overwhelming for me.  I admit I had some fears about people being super free about breastfeeding, but people stayed covered, so I didn't mentally freak out.  Everyone was very friendly.  I can see myself going back.

I also neglected to report that we met with the recommended pediatrician last week and were very satisfied with our discussion, so we've got a doctor lined up for our wee one!  She is available to come to the hospital for first checkups etc, is onboard with some of our opinions, and offered a great deal of information and dialog.

In other news I am officially heavier than I've ever been.  Today is week 31, so 9 weeks to go, so I am guessing that will tick up by another 10lbs, which would put me at a 35lb gain.  That is at the top end of allowed gain - IF I had started out at what they consider to be a healthy weight.  Since they classify me as overweight (and a mere 2 or 3lbs under what they'd say is obses) based on BMI I'll be 10lbs over what they would want, easy.

I still think if I'm that close to 'obese' they need more categories because there has to be somewhere to go from there given the tremendous (word selected on purpose) variety of even larger sized women I encounter on a very regular basis.

I also have the hospital packing list started.  I want to start setting stuff aside, being the crazy planner I am.  After all, I need to get my stuff in order so I can then start telling him what all he needs to get in order, right?