Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Contract signing meeting and 3/4 done!

Last night we had our contract meeting with our doula, Sara.  It was nice to sit and talk a little more freely one on one.  I am confident she knows/gets what I'm wanting and will be willing and able to support it providing there isn't medical reason to go another direction.

Craziest moment was filling out the form and putting my name in where it said "Mother's Name".  While you know instantly what they want there, you do have a second where you think "why do they need my Mom's name?  oh wait... that's me... Mother!"

The other craziness is that today is week 30.  3/4 done.  10 weeks to go... 70 days.

I am still getting some heartburn, but have a big container of Tums.  The temps went down a little, so my feet don't feel or look as much like a sausage as they were.  I'm sleeping pretty well and feeling better than I was standing/moving.  All good progress vs the downhill things could easily take at this point in my pregnancy.