Friday, May 5, 2017

Chiropractic care and potentially more doctors?

I'm not hurting - yet.  But I know that with my past issues of my hips moving out of alignment and the fact that ligaments and whatnot will loosen throughout the pregnancy I figure it is a matter of time.  So yesterday I had my first chiropractic appointment with a local doctor.  I am thinking I chose wisely.

It is a husband/wife team.  They too see it the way I do:  give me ways to fix the situation rather than creating a cycle where I am dependent upon coming to your office for relief for the rest of eternity.  Granted, for now I don't mind regular appointments, as from what I read (and it makes sense) getting and staying aligned during pregnancy can help a lot of things - including labor and delivery.

They had some neat toys I hadn't seen before to assess the nerves and muscles in my back without x-rays.  It is kind of interesting when the areas that 'light up' are the ones you do have issues.  The first is the left side of my neck in the back, which is where my tension headaches keep forming.  That was off the charts and over 3000% by their unit of measure.  The other was a spot Ben keeps saying feels bulged around the middle of my back, also on the left.  It hasn't been hurting me, but there it was also lit up red and above and beyond all good readings.

I did get a few unexpected perks from this visit.

First (TMI warning), when I got up this morning I poo'd immediately and not a rabbit pellet little thing, this was legit!  At my morning weigh in I am back down a little even, which makes me feel a little better, but I know I'm still pushing the upper boundary of the acceptable range for this point in time.

Second, she also is going to give me the name of a pediatrician that they use (they have a 5 month old daughter) who is open to discussing vaccinations and altering the schedule there - which is good news because my hunt on this front has been fruitless thus far and met by cold responses of "I don't know anyone who would see patients who don't vaccinate" (*sigh* - that's not what I said!)

These responses at the obgyn and the comment of "that's not typically something the hospital does" in response to my inquiry at the baby basics class with regard to delayed cord clamping also makes me think I need an advocate beyond Ben and I when we're in the act of having kiddo.  I've thought about a doula, but the cost and not knowing where to start has put it at the back of my brain.  Thirdly, the chiro will also be giving me a name for a doula they used.