Tuesday, March 1, 2011

So says the PCP

Today I had an appointment with my primary care physician. I've done some research on my own that had a wealth of conflict on the concerns associated with Effexor. Hopefully I won't end up with a constant headache as a result, but we're going to ween me down and off - I really hope I won't be achy this time.

I got to ask my questions and know that I need to axe my allergy meds too. Need to ask them about the weekly shots when I go in. Also got myself a tetanus shot today. Fun, fun.

I was worrying as the timelines said I should have peaked ovulation yesterday (keeping in mind that last month the tests registered ovulation the day before and the day of that peak). It was a short worry however, as the test registered today. I suspect there will be lots of mini-frustrations and worries about how my body is functioning as things progress.