Friday, March 25, 2011

My last weekend

Even if nothing comes of my attempts, my life will be different from this weekend on. Today the sample should have arrived at my doctor's office (hopefully, they didn't call, not that I expected them to).

I picked up some calcium supplements today and a basal thermometer. I feel a little stupid as I almost assumed it was different in terms of use than a regular thermometer. It still goes in your mouth, it just takes a reading to more significant digits. I probably should have started tracking this sooner, but I might see an increase in the near term to help my confidence in when ovulation occurs. So, tomorrow morning (first thing - that's another difference with this type of thermometer) I'll take my first reading.

In addition to the vitamins I've found myself having a salad for dinner last night, fish and corn tonight, not eating fantastically, but good by comparison to my norm. I even pulled out a bottle of water today at work in an effort to start getting my fluids as is recommended to increase my chances.

It was quite strange to leave work today knowing that the next time I walk in there I could be in the process of becoming pregnant. I say could be since the appointment is tentative based on the arrival of an LH surge.