Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Sink your shark teeth into this

This post is all about teeth.  First, the ones on Avery's "friend" from school (as the teacher referred to him or her) that sunk into her arm yesterday.  Poor kid.  As I was told she must have been snapping herself into a seat and this "friend" must have wanted that seat.  The teacher turned around just in time to see him or her sinking teeth in and they "had a hold of her pretty good".  She did have welts from both top and bottom teeth, so I am sure it was unpleasant.  I guess in addition to crying she also was staying clear of that "friend" for the remainder of the day.  We used this opportunity to practice "owie" as I pointed at those marks.

This morning Avery was awake a bit early.  She remained content and entertained, so I remained in bed.  Shortly before I needed to get up I heard the following - unfortunately, I wasn't prepared and recording!  "Mommy, do do do do, Daddy, do do do do".  Yup, I'm pretty sure I caught her first rendition of Baby Shark on the monitor.