Sunday, March 3, 2019

Incident Report

On Friday when I picked up Avery from daycare I signed my first 'incident report'.  When they said they had one for me I admit, I'm awful, and thought it meant she hit someone or something.  No, instead she tumbled while running in the gross motor skills room and bonked her head.  She has a decent black and blue mark there still tonight.

Throughout the weekend she managed to tap it off of the railings on the stairs and then tonight when she was frustrated she was bopping her head on the kitchen floor.

Speaking of her head... at the pediatrician appointment we measured in at 20" around, that's in the 99th percentile!  Her height at 32" which puts her in the 50th percentile and her weight at 25 lbs 1.5 oz, which is in the 75th percentile.

She did get two more shots while there.  Today she woke a little snotty and coughy, but seemed less doomed to illness as the day progressed.

We're also getting definitive NOs from her now.  Man is she going to be a challenge as she starts to use that big old noggin.  Her Dad told her if she didn't eat he was going to turn off Elmo.  I didn't think she'd understand it, but when he went and picked up the remote and repeated himself she said No with a tone that rang of "how dare you!"