Monday, March 18, 2019

Bikini babe

It has been a while since we went swimming.  I want to go periodically as to not allow fear of the water to develop.  Plus with a vacation planned I want to make sure the water time there will go better than our last cruise/visit to the beach.  So, we went to the pool yesterday.  At first Avery clung very tight to my side.  She smiled as we went in the water, but she wasn't about ready to try and enjoy it too much.  It took a while, but she eventually was having a good time as we simulated her jumping from the sides and swimming about.  She's now tall enough that she can stand on the platforms they put in the water and keep her head and mouth fully up and out of the water - so she had some time moving on the platform on her own as well (with me wrapped around her like a dome).

In our list of firsts we can chalk up the destruction of something in a store.  We went into TJ Maxx and headed towards the restrooms.  It is near the kids clothing and toys, so I stopped at a display with toys when a letter puzzle caught my eye.  As I picked that up, Avery picked up a mug that someone foolishly placed on this display.  As my eyes returned to her she let go.  *smash*  I felt awful.  The staff was so kind.  I offered to pay but she had none of it.

As of late too, when Avery's Dad goes to put her to bed she wants me for the final cuddle.  I'll admit, it does my heart good in some ways and I want to get those cuddles too.  But alas, it also breaks my heart to hear her crying and unhappy when he tries to put her down.

Another note is that I did pick up a doll stroller for Avery which she's been having a blast with around the house.  I couldn't make her wait until Easter to get it.  So we also have a swing and straps to connect it to the deck coming for part of her Easter gift.  Yes, she'll be spoiled, it's all my fault.