Friday, March 8, 2019

Helping with laundry

Avery has always been pretty helpful and responsive if I ask her to hand me something.  I shouldn't be as surprised as I am by tonight, but I am.

I neglected to pull her load of laundry from the dryer before I picked her up today.  I thought, well let's see if she'll let me fold her laundry when we go up to get ready for bed.  I opened the dryer and she started pulling items out one at a time and handing them to me.  I'd fold it and take the next item from her.  She pulled every single item out of that dryer.  I have such a helpful and sweet girl.  I'm so proud of her. Don't worry, she was rewarded with reading an extra book before bed!

Her first assessment came from daycare on their scale they ranked her as such, vs what I would have given based on my experience with her at home and the "expectations" for being on schedule:
Communication 25/60 vs 45/60 - on schedule = 30+
Gross Motor 60/60 vs 60/60 - on schedule = 47+
Fine Motor 50/60 vs 55/60 - on schedule = 43+
Problem Solving 30/60 vs 30/60 - on schedule = 36+
Personal/Social 30/60 vs 35/60 - on schedule = 37+

That said, it looks like we need to do a little more with her to test her problem solving skills out and she's a bit more quiet/less talkative at school than she is here at home.

I will note that under problem solving, within the 6 questions one she didn't meet repeated!  At the same time, it's one skill I'm glad she hasn't discovered:  that putting a cheerio into a bottle she doesn't turn the bottle upside down to dump it out.