Thursday, February 28, 2019

I poop, therefore I am.

We remain binky free.  That was way too easy.  I feel like I say this often with Avery.

She is also telling us "I poo".  Usually it is announced after she's gone, but she even told me in advance one day.  This is definitely the first step towards potty training.  So I went ahead and bought the potty I was planning to get for her.  We won't be trying to train any time soon, but I want her to get okay with it being around and even sitting on it fully clothed for the time being.

I've been hearing the above phrase a lot the last few days.  She's been a bit loose and diaper rashed.  Is it from incisors starting to push down?  I can't tell.  But I know her rear has been quite sore.

She had a few rough night's of sleep in a row too.  The first night she woke with a squealing cry, the one that tells me to get up directly, not to wait it out.  I found her feet through the slats fairly far.  I was able to get her back down within a reasonably short amount of time, prolonged only by my attempts to get a blanket on her after I put her down (if she starts to cry and stands it comes back off, obviously).  The next night we were in the midst of the loose stool.  She woke crying and I decided to go in to check to see if she went, rather than leaving her to fall back asleep with a poopy diaper.  Sure enough she needed changed.  From there she didn't want to go back down as easily.... at least not until she pooed again less than an hour later.  Then the third night, shortly before bedtime the power kicked out.  Her room is shockingly dark without her clock or sleep machine glowing, so it wasn't the easiest put down.

Tonight we head to the doctor for her 18 month appointment!

Daycare is going well at drop off now, but she continues to come home with report cards that say she's not eating much there other than bread and fruits.