Thursday, February 7, 2019

Everything changing

The smile evolved into actually reaching for a teacher in the morning.  Today I only got one quick hug before the turn away from me happened.  I'll blame it on the yummy smelling breakfast, but I think Avery is feeling okay with her new daycare.

Today I got her out of the seat in the lot and carried her to the sidewalk.  From there she walked into the building herself.  I was going to march her straight to the classroom, but she stopped at her hook and started working to get her jacket off.  How big is my girl?!  At this point she would not walk any further, so I gladly picked her up for a hug as we took the last few steps down the hall.

On the way out I held her little hand as she walked down the hall and up all of the stairs to the door.  Since it was rainy and gross I carried her from there.

She still isn't loving all of their food however, so she was ready to eat when we got home.  She ate a cutie all by herself, save one slice I tried, and then she grabbed the spoon and proceeded to make good progress on the fruit and cereal and yogurt.  She was even willing to try a couple of little bits of my steak!

Avery's vocabulary continues to expand every day.  I counted over 30 words and 12 signs, but I know I am missing some in my list.  When she can understand is beyond all of that for sure as she seems to really grasp a lot of concepts.