Monday, September 3, 2018

Auntie B!

This weekend Avery and I took to the road with her Nonna and Nonno to go visit her Auntie B!  Do to her heavy work schedule this past year, this ended up being their first meeting.  Unfortunately, both Avery and Auntie B were recovering from some ick that came around (Avery's settled in around the same point of that post-inoculation fever), but they at least got to check each other out.  We also got to meet Auntie B's "friend" :)

The drive was long, but went well - meaning both that the weather was good and traffic didn't crush us, but also that Avery handled it well.  Our accommodations were comfortable and Avery and I got to share space for the first time in a few months.  It was nice to be right there with her and to get to play and be close all weekend.

Her schedule was in a bit of a state of upheaval, but Avery handled that very well too.  She got to see a pony, some horses - including all three of Auntie B's babies, rabbits, turkeys, and guinea hens up close.  It was a fun adventure.  But I'll admit, I'm glad to be home and climbing into my own bed tonight.