Friday, September 7, 2018

Look what I can do...

I feel like I'm behind in recording some of the things Avery has started to do.  I don't want to forget these tidbits, so here they are!

In addition to the pointing Avery now puts up one finger like a point and waves her hand in a no motion.  It's a nice addition to her shaking her head no with a huge smile on her face.

You know how Donkey in Shrek pops his lips?  I do that at Avery and she make a lip smacking noise back.

She also has a crazy talent for finding the one chunk in her puree and spitting it out better than a dog can find a pill in a hot dog.

We also have a noted improvement in her ability to use the shape sorter toy and more than half the time I'd say when I point to the hole where a certain shape goes she'll try to place it there.  She has a decent success rate at getting them oriented properly too.

Have I mentioned she is an expert at pulling the velcro on her shoes to open them?

I've wanted to use more sign language than we have, but she has picked up on "finished" and does it periodically at the end of a bottle or meal!  A few times it looked like maybe she was also signing "more".

High fives are also a little more consistent now and she's willing to hit your hand in a variety of locations.  This too is often done with a smile or a laugh.

She also grabs her hair brush and puts it to her forehead.  She isn't getting it in the right direction to use it, but she knows what it is for.  With a little help she'll even brush your hair for you - ALSO smiling the whole time.