Sunday, September 30, 2018

So chill

Once again this little lady demonstrates how incredibly chill she is.  We went to Jumonville for a church retreat this weekend, which meant sleeping away from home and a bit of deviation from her normal schedule.  She was, as always, quite the trooper.  Everyone seemed pretty impressed with her sleeping so peacefully through both nights.  She slept for part of the drive there Friday night, so that nap helped ensure it wasn't an issue that she went to bed a little late.

Today, she was awake for the drive home and not the most thrilled about it, but still relatively content with a toy and a paci.  Of course, after we got home (post stopping at Big Lots for their 20% off day to gather more baby food - since someone is still at best only eating a couple of bites of the chunks from my meal) and she ate it was time for a nap and she's been down for the past two hours.  I suspect she's quite happy to be back in her own bed.