Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Kicking off the new year

Along with a birthday comes a visit to the doctor.  I am so grateful to report that Avery's lead levels were good for the follow up check from her 9 month appointment.  She got two shots as well, a pneumococcal and hep a vaccine.  Today she woke up a bit toasty - likely a result of the shots.  I still took her into daycare as it was a mild fever, after giving her a little bit of baby Tylenol.  Well, didn't daycare call mid-afternoon saying she was unhappy, wanted to be held, and was running a fever.  The temp I got when she got home wasn't as high as what they saw, and was lower than this morning, so I'm not sure what's up, but she did go down for a nap pretty quick.

While we were in the pediatrician's waiting room Avery decided to show off something else she has learned how to do - point!  She pointed to tweety bird, she pointed to minnie, she pointed at pooh... and so on.