Sunday, June 10, 2018

Not who I used to be

Avery has been a different little girl for a few days.  She's still probably more pleasant than most babies, but we've seen/heard our share of tears lately (for no apparent reason).  Today she'd cry every time she was back w/ her Dad and I tried to get things done, but would settle for me (as I carried her about).

Friday daycare called and sent her home before noon as she threw up.  I worry it was another overfeed situation. I sent her the same amount of milk as I had other days, but I also sent yogurt (to replace her oatmeal) so that morning bottle didn't have 1 1/2-2 ounces poured off.  If the kept pushing it on her, she'd over drink and pop.  She did appear to have a _slightly_ elevated temp that afternoon, but it dropped down quickly.  She didn't get sick again all weekend though - so...?  But like I said, she's been a bit moodier, so maybe it's teeth.  That could cause lots of extra mucus too, which could cause the throwing up as well.

Her cribwraps arrived and I'm very pleased.  They are a higher quality/finished product than I expected.  They're very soft, the perfect color, and waterproofed on the back side.

Tonight I got her down a little early, despite a nice long nap earlier in the day and a shorter second one that was a bit late and not waking until 8am.  It does seem like she might be willing/able to shift to an earlier bed time without waking too early.  I was up pretty much all night last night due to a friend visiting, so I really should be in bed myself.

Last related item of the weekend:  on Saturday I got a bill from the hospital (actually care providers there) stating I still owe several hundred dollars from Avery's birth.  She's almost 10 months old.  Are you kidding?  Of course, I see nothing correlating those numbers w/ my healthcare (as having been paid - for that matter never billed, but they claim to have gotten money from my plan).  Regardless, I was maxed out last year, so good luck with that.  But it's annoying that I have some calls to waste my time on tomorrow.