Wednesday, May 13, 2020

She makes me laugh

Avery is funny, charming, and smart no doubt.  Tonight she proved this three times within a couple of hours.

To start with... if I haven't mentioned it before, she adores ghosties (she's my kid and loves Halloween, go figure). I'm wearing my Pacman blue ghost shirt, so I tell her "this is what ghosts looked like when I was a kid, they were 8-bit". Her reply, unprompted, without missing a beat was "that's a byte". I might be taking some liberties on the spelling of said word to reflect what my mind heard. But she's right ya know.

Then... tonight she jumped into the rocker/recliner in her room and wanted me to sit beside her.  When I said I wouldn't fit not only did she tell me that my butt was too big, she also started to sing "Mommy's got a big ol' butt -- oh yea"

But she wasn't finished.  She and her Daddy have their little gang signs they throw up that involve two hands signing "I love you" every night.  As he left the room it was like she was trying to teach me.  She said "it's ten", stuck up her thumb, "one", stuck up her pointer finger, "and pinky", sticking up her pinky.  Why yes, the sign for I love you is a combo of ten, one, and your pinky.  Good job kid.