Saturday, May 30, 2020

It's wake up time

Avery has been getting decent at reading her alarm clock, even if she doesn't fully grasp what it means.  She reads off the time:  "eight, dot, dot, one, six, that means it's bed time" or "seven, dot, dot, two, three, it's wake up time".  Presently she tends to get fives and twos mixed up, and doesn't say zero, but that's ok - it tells me what we need to work on.  The challenge is when she's upstairs for a nap and starts saying "Mommy, Mommy, there's a three! It's wake up time." except the clock says 1:43, not 3:xx.

Speaking of working on things, during her time here at home Avery has gotten pretty good at spelling her first name and we're getting better with prompting at spelling her middle name.  She can tell you what city and street she lives in/on and is starting to get the right numbers but not in the right sequence for our house number.