Friday, May 22, 2020

Keeping Track

This week, while Avery spends a little bit of time entertaining herself (unfortunately, so I can get some more work done) she started coming to me with different items rolled up in pieces of construction paper telling me she had a present for me.  Is that not the sweetest thing ever?  This kid is wrapping up her toys and gifting them to me!

I also wanted to note a few more little things that I'm terming "LifeWithAvery":
- Another shirt, this one my Jason from Friday the 13th tee.  He is standing there with a big ol' knife in his hand.  She joyfully points to it and says "that is for cutting cake".  That's my girl.

- During prayers I commented about her successful efforts during potty-training that day.  She turned to me with her eyes wide and said "did you say potty train?"  from the look on her face I can only image what she was picturing.

- More commentary on my derriere at bed time.  This time it was with little rhyme or reason:  This time she said "your butt's not big, it's little".  Flattery will get you almost everywhere dear child, but you are going to bed.