Friday, October 12, 2018

Snuggling up on cold nights

It's been an interesting and varied week.  Sunday night Avery woke back up at 10pm crying.  She was thrashing and hard to even keep a hold of at points.  Several attempts to get her back down later I finally figured it had to be teeth bothering her.  15 minutes later the half dose of children's tylenol settled her down enough to sleep.  I'm glad that happened the night it did, because if it happened the next day I would have been quite worried.

That next night, Monday, Avery got her varicella (chickenpox) vaccine.  She only took a very slight fever after, but did end up a bit unwell on Wednesday - mayhaps unrelated.  She threw up once at daycare in the afternoon, but looking back on her day sheet she ate her lunch and a yogurt around noon, went down for a nap, woke two hours later, and drank her bottle.  We've had a runny/stuffy nose off and on, again probably thanks to those teeth, so we think there was also some mucus in effect on top of all of that food and out some of it came.  She didn't want to eat later, but who does after they've thrown up?  Thursday she seemed okay, despite not being a voracious eater, so back to school she went and fortunately hung in there without issue.

During this week the weather went from summer to very autumn with the temps now going into the 40s over night and the day time not warming up.  Our walks are nice, it's brisk and only long sleeves/pants and a blankie for Avery and we're good to go.  The house however has cooled off enough that I did have to turn on the heat this evening just to take the chill off.  We also pulled out Avery's fleecy nighties, so no worries, her hands were nice and warm when I kissed her little forehead goodnight.