Thursday, October 25, 2018

Let's talk

Avery isn't saying too much that's clear.  Just a breakthrough here and there that might be by chance (like the day it sounded like she said "Hi Neen" to Danika).  But she is getting on board with her hands.  We can now point to our belly and nose with success.  Of course, the belly requires trying to lift up her shirt and sometimes the nose is moreso mouth.

She is also quite proficient at signing 'more', 'milk', and 'finished'.  She has not however strung them together, nor has she distinguished that she needs to sign 'eat'.  Instead she says 'more' even when she hasn't just had something, but I know what she's telling me.  Instead of signing when she wants more of something she'll also make this distinct squawk, to which if I ask 'more?' she'll then sign.