Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Mastering the art of flight

Since our last post, Avery has flown on an airplane - twice!  We made the trip to Texas to visit her Aunt Jackie and Uncle Bob.  While there we tried lots of new things and had a few breakthroughs.  First, we shifted to size 4 diapers.  There were lots of pretzels and other things to chomp on, and she's doing better eating a few more chunks, but we still  need to see progress on the healthy chunks!  As to food, beyond the donuts, pretzels, cereal-os, persimmons, and plenty more - including getting foods she's eaten pureed into her hands as chunks.

We woke up this morning, preparing to fly home with a brand new case of vibrant diaper rash.  Poor girl. This is definitely the worst I've seen on her.  She started wailing before I even opened her diaper this evening to change her.  It breaks my heart, but goodness, you have to wipe her after a poo, even if it is the 6th one of the day.

Maybe it's teething, maybe not.  We were using a different wipe than normal all week, but you'd think she'd react faster.  There has been a little more drool and fingers in her mouth too.  She was a bit dry and down to two pellet like poos for a couple of days and then a shift in this direction.  It doesn't seem to have rhyme or reason.