Friday, September 8, 2017

Two weeks and counting

It blows my mind that two weeks have already passed since Avery joined us.  The time has gone so quickly, but the nights seem to crawl as she is unhappy and hungry for hours on end each night.  We've been able to feed, offer what I pumped earlier in the day, and feed again - then with some cuddling to get her out I am able to get some sleep, but I'm still feeling deprived.  It's hard to get through that cycle at 2am.

If only you could sleep while they slept on you.  She goes out nicely laying on top of me.  But we all know that is not a safe situation.  Sometimes I get lucky and after she falls asleep like that will stay asleep after the shift to her bed.  I do wonder/think that perhaps the coldness of her bed is what wakes her back up.  Time to take a heating pad to her mattress until I'm ready to set her down.

At Avery's appointment on Tuesday she was only up an ounce (7lb 10oz).  So here I am looking for ways to increase my output. My left breast doesn't seem to be as productive as the right, so I am also starting her nursing on the left more often, which displeases her too if it doesn't let down as quickly or as much.  I'm also sitting here with a cup of oatmeal, which supposedly will increase supply.
Her Aunt Jackie will be coming to stay with us tomorrow, so I'll have another set of hands to hold the baby - I'm hoping this will give me a little more sleep time, but I also know all too well that it can be hard to sleep and relax with company here.

We ended up scheduling an appointment with the Picture People for her photos since I heard back from only one of the other photographers and it was a dismissive response.  I hope we can get some good shots. I need to take some time to put the outfits on her tonight that I want to take with.  I do fear some will be too big and make her look like she's swimming.  I picked up a few other items from consignment to keep her covered in an appropriate size, but nothing there that is so adorable as to warrant photos.