Friday, September 22, 2017

Slow and steady

Our Thursday appointment at the pediatrician turned into Avery's one month appointment.  As such she got measured - showing she's now 21" long and her first vaccine (Hep B).  She did gain a little bit more weight and is back to 7# 9oz (where she was when she left the hospital).  This is indeed slow going.  But the doctor is still okay with everything. This puts her at the 10th percentile for weight and 15th percentile for height.

We had a few rough days leading up to this appointment.  On Tuesday she was fussy every time she was put down on her own and insisted upon being held.  Fortunately, she snapped out of that for bedtime and allowed us some rest.  Then on Wednesday night she decided to be a bear in the evening - staying awake well past 3am.

Overnight last night she was unable to get anything from my left breast on her own.  When I pumped this morning I was able to get a half of an ounce out of it.  Of course, I also got another half an ounce out of the right which had just fed her.  So I am a little more concerned about production levels than I was even before.  Right now I am going to go ahead and guzzle some fluids to see if I am just not drinking as much as I should be.