Saturday, September 16, 2017

Some upward progress

At the Thursday appointment we were up... slightly... to 7# 7.5oz.  Granted she hadn't had a single poop that day to that point, so I suspect that helped us out, but at least we didn't lose more weight.  I am continuing to feed her around the 3 hour mark and trying hard to get through any of the initial pain of latching on by trying to get her situated better for feedings.  We're also sitting still for 20 minutes or so with the hopes that the hind milk will help out.  We return to the pediatrician again this coming Thursday.

In the mean time, we were getting a little more of a routine/predictability down, so I was brave enough that we ventured out to see some of his family on Friday night (an hour away).  It went well and she got to meet some folks.

I won't talk about sleep other than to say I'm rather tired right now.  I do yearn for when the feedings are spaced a little further apart as right now by the time I'm ready to put my head down we're within an hour of the next feeding and that short of a nap just leaves me grumpy.