Friday, September 29, 2017

A few firsts

On Sunday, the 24th we celebrated Avery's one month birthday.  Round about that time she also showed us that she knows how to roll over from her stomach to her back when set down for tummy time and she isn't into it.  On Wednesday, the 27th I got a real smile out of the girl first thing in the morning when I leaned in to pick her up.  On Friday, the 29th we drove to Altoona and she got to meet most all of her great Aunts (on both sides of my family) and two great Uncles!

On the sleep front, I got a new mattress.  I'm glad I didn't do so while still pregnant as I would have never been able to roll out of the bed as I am struggling to get out now.  We've been doing pretty good overnight and getting a little more sleep.  Avery is willing to sleep for longer stretches, which is torture for me since I love my sleep - but I know I need to wake her to feed in order to get some weight on her and to maintain my supply.