Friday, April 21, 2017

Kickboxer in the making?

There was no doubt in my mind on Wednesday night - I had just settled into bed at my friend's place (I had to travel back to Jtown for work for a few days) and jab jab...... jab jab.  This was definitely not gas and was way more than a little flutter.  I'm calling it.  If it wasn't her before this was definitely it!  I've not gotten anything else since like this, but I've ready enough to know that's ok/normal.  Like I said, back in Jtown, and starting to get to the point where it doesn't just look like I'm fat, so a few others in the training with me were made well aware if they were not already.

I've returned from Jtown with a whole mess of stuff gifted from friends and family. I've been trying to keep the Amazon registry updated with things that are given/purchased for us.  Wow she has a bunch of stuff already.

TMI warning:  I have started to get another typical pregnancy "symptom"... but fortunately I had a therapeutic poo when I got home this evening.  Ugh.  Feeling a bit backed up is miserable!