Friday, March 24, 2017

Like a kettle drum

I used to have a constant low-grade headache.  It took years of allergy shots, some other medications, and even some acupuncture for them to become a periodic occurrence.  Granted I haven't had an allergy shot in a month and a half at this point (which probably doesn't help) but they also say headaches are a common occurrence during pregnancy due to increased blood volume and whatnot.  Then there is the possibility that my eyes/vision could be shifting too.  I'm not sure if my eyes are hurting because they're straining more and causing the headache or if they're hurting because of the headache.

I really should not be complaining about this suffering as I know I'm getting off very easy compared to many during their pregnancies.  (I haven't vomited once and only have a bit of round ligament pain, an itchy back, and some discomfort finding a good sleeping position.)  But man, I could do without the headaches. You don't realize how much you were hurting until they go away - I swear it amplifies the pain when you do have a headache.

I caved the night before last and took some acetaminophen to knock it out.  But less than 36 hours later and it's back.